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  • Grace Cannon

Do Foundation Settling Cause Drywall Cracks?

Do Foundation Settling Cause Drywall Cracks?

Homeowners often find themselves wondering -"What is causing drywall cracks in my home?" Cracks in walls, ceilings, floors, and other areas can be a cause for concern - while they may be due to harmless settling or improper installation, they could also signal the need for foundation repair.

The foundation in your home is the most important element for structural integrity and overall stability. Knowing how to identify drywall cracks due to foundation settlement or shifting can save you from costly repairs in the future. Read the article to know more about the underlying causes of drywall cracks, effective repair methods, and when to call a professional foundation repair specialist. Let's begin the journey to safe and secure foundations!

When Should You Take Drywall Cracks Seriously?

When Should You Take Drywall Cracks Seriously?

Most of the drywall cracks in a residential property occur due to seasonal changes and normal settling of the house. These cracks are usually small and thin, just cosmetic. But if you detect wider cracks running diagonally or at an angle, it could be a sign of more severe problems with the foundation.

In this case, three key situations require immediate attention:

Situation #1: When Cracks Run Across Walls & Ceilings

These diagonal or stair-step cracks are almost always caused by the foundation settling into wet clay soil, which cannot support the weight of your home. This typically happens when the clay soil absorbs rain until it becomes saturated and can no longer hold the weight.

Situation #2: Cracks Accompanied by Sagging Drywall

Cracks that appear between two drywall sections, one of which is sagging, could be due to bowing walls. The foundation movement also causes this kind of damage.

Situation #3: Outline Gaps Between Walls & Ceilings

Cracks or gaps that develop between walls and ceilings are often the results of structural damage. Large cracks are usually signs of major foundation problems like settling, deflecting, or deteriorating - all of which can lead to serious structural damage.

Therefore, getting any wide or diagonal cracks in your drywall inspected and repaired by a professional as soon as possible is advisable. Doing so will prevent further damage and help maintain your property's structural integrity.

You can also determine the hairline cracks with a visual inspection and hire a contractor for larger cracks. Remember that ignoring the cracks can lead to costly repairs in the future, so it is best to know the causes of drywall cracks and take action quickly.

What Causes Large Drywall Settling Cracks and Other Foundation Issues?

Although the most common tensile, compressive, and bending stresses that occur in a home are the main reasons why hairline cracks develop in drywall, there are other potential causes too. These are explained in more detail below:

Cracked and Failing Drywall Seams

When improper drywall installation techniques are used, cracks in vertical and horizontal seams can result. The joint compound can be improperly applied, resulting in cracks where the drywall panels join at the seam. Unfortunately, these cracks are usually superficial and relatively easy to fix for a professional. Taking care of cracked and failing drywall seams ensures your walls remain safe, sound, and structurally secure.

Normal Settling of Foundations

All houses tend to settle into the ground over time, which may cause cracks near stress points in the drywall. This type of settling is generally not a cause for concern since most hairline cracks that develop due to normal settlement are just an aesthetic nuisance.

However, if many of these cracks start appearing in one or more areas of your home, it could indicate a structural problem. If this is the matter, it's best to seek advice from an experienced contractor. They can assess your home and create a plan to guarantee its safety by addressing these cracks. With their help, you can relax knowing your house foundation is safe.

Differential Settlement Situation

When soil underneath your Tennessee home's foundation becomes wet and soft, it can cause a differential settlement situation. In this case, one side of your home will sink deeper and faster than the other as the foundation shifts. All structural components within your home will be subject to different stresses, which eventually cause drywall cracks at stress points. It is important to address these issues as soon as possible, as differential settlement can cause significant damage to the structure of your home.

To prevent future damage, homeowners should hire a professional foundation repair Tennessee specialist to assess their situation and develop a repair plan. With the right services, you can ensure that your home is safe and secure, helping protect you from costly repairs in the future.

Temperature and Soil Moisture Content Disparities

Temperature and Soil Moisture Content Disparities

When experiencing seasonal changes in temperature and soil moisture content, it's important to be aware of the potential damage in your home. Sudden changes in climate or environment can cause building materials like drywall and wood to expand and contract.

Repeated occurrences of this expansion and contraction can lead to cracks or separations within the inner walls. Plus, heavy winds, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, and roof trusses lifting can also be responsible for drywall cracks. When these conditions are experienced, it's important to inspect the condition of your walls and foundation for any visible signs of damage. If more serious issues, such as water seepage, are discovered, it's recommended that you contact a certified professional immediately.

What Can You Do About Large Drywall Settling Cracks?

You might observe sheetrock cracks that keep getting larger or notice gaps around the windows and doors that don't close properly. These may be signs of settling in your home's foundation, so it's best to contact a reliable house foundation repair contractor as soon as possible.

They can assess the problem and recommend appropriate solutions, such as installing foundation piers. The purpose of the piers is to provide structural support and stabilize your foundation. The number of piers required depends on the severity of the damage; for instance, if only one corner of your house needs repair, 3-4 piers may be sufficient, but if there are substantial cracks throughout your home, more than 20 or 30 piers may need to be installed.

In any case, contacting a qualified professional who can provide an accurate assessment and recommend the best course of action is important.

Request Foundation Repair Experts Today for Free Estimates

One of the best practices to identify the cause of drywall cracks is to contact an expert. Keeping your home safe and protected is their top priority, so don't hesitate to call if you suspect a problem. These skilled technicians can inspect your property and provide reliable diagnosis and foundation repair solutions tailored to your needs.

Regardless of the size, shape, or area of damage, these experts can help you get your home back in shape. So, take responsibility for checking your drywall cracks and ask for a free estimate today. Contact one of these professionals to discuss your project and get started on the road to foundation recovery.

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